As we flip the calendar and look to this upcoming year, one of the most honored traditions is choosing a New Year’s Resolution. Apparently, the Ancient Babylonians established the first known practice of setting new year pledges, a tradition that has endured for over 4,000 years! On January 1st, millions and millions of people set out to do something new or different in the spirit of self-betterment - ranging from diet, fitness, learning a new language, saving more money, changing careers. It’s a well intended tradition, but unfortunately the sustainability of it is lacking. According to Claude (Anthropic’s AI), by the end of February almost 80% of resolutions fail, with only about 8-9% of people actually sticking to it for the entire year.
I wonder why? Are the resolutions too ambitious? After all, change is hard.
Well, during our in-office planning session for 2025, we decided to try something different. Rather than a new year's resolution, pick one word that you would like to embody in 2025. Just one word and it can be applicable to work, to personal, or to all corners of your life. After some contemplation, here is what our office came up with:
Jake/ Perseverance
After everyone chose their word, I asked them to spend some time finding a quote that they felt is representative of their word. And here are those quotes:
Scott/Overcome - 'The only think that overcomes hard luck is hard work' - Harry Golden
Jake/Perseverance - 'If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward' - Martin Luther King, Jr
Sonny/Grateful - 'A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things' - Plato
Raju/Consistency - 'I would rather have consistent smaller successes than an occasional eureka moment’ - Raju Seetarama
Andrew/Deliberate - 'Success is deliberate! Excellence is intentional! Victory comes out of struggles…Winners win because they played a part…Get busy now!' - Israelmore Ayivor
Mark/Proactive - 'A wise person does at once, what a fool does at last. Both do the same thing; only at different times' - Unknown
Allie/Intentional - 'An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance!' - John C. Maxell
Dorothy/Disciplined - 'Motivation gets you going but discipline keeps you growing' - John C. Maxwell
Vinnie/Consistency - 'Success isn't always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come. - Dwayne Johnson
I chose grateful because of a variety of reasons. I’ll share one of them - Looking back on the past year, too often I found myself running 100 miles an hour and filling my plate with more than I could handle. I took pride in the fact that nothing could overwhelm me, so adding to my to-do list was no big deal; in fact, it was a badge of honor. Look at all that I accomplished this week / this month / this year! But, this approach also has a downside. Flying through my check lists often didn’t let me slow down and actually appreciate all that was happening in that moment. What’s the saying, living in the now? And if I’m not taking a moment to enjoy the little things, what’s the point of completing the check list? So, yeah I landed on grateful!
My hope is we are in that 8-9% that see this one word through for the entirety of 2025. As a way of holding each other accountable, at the end of each month we will reflect on the previous 30 days and discuss how each of us is embodying their word and share examples. Let’s see how we do!